Sabrina Lopez, FNP


Practices In: South Bend
Patients Seen: Ages 18+

I enjoy spend­ing time with my patients. I do enjoy hav­ing con­ver­sa­tions with my patients. I like to get to know who they are. I have always had a strong desire to help peo­ple and the main rea­son I became a NP. I do my best to lis­ten to my patients and I do my best to help in any way pos­si­ble under my scope of prac­tice in the Urol­o­gy Department.

Professional Certifications
Certified Spanish Interpreter
English, Spanish
Clinical Interests

I am lim­it­ed in help­ing my patients based on Uro­log­i­cal issues. I help patients with kid­ney stones, uri­nary incon­ti­nence, uri­nary frequency/​urgency, BPH/​enlarged prostate, ele­vat­ed PSA lev­els, frequent/​recurring UTI’s and blad­der con­trol problems.

Personal Interests

I have four beau­ti­ful chil­dren and I enjoy spend­ing time and watch­ing them play sports. I also have the priv­i­lege of being a step­mom to 3 incred­i­ble chil­dren that my fiancé has. We get togeth­er for movie nights or just to have din­ner togeth­er. I do like vol­ley­ball and some­times still play. I am a vol­ley­ball coach for my daugh­ter’s school. I do enjoy spend­ing time out­doors camp­ing, hik­ing or even just walk­ing through the park.

Urology Association of Nursing
Memorial Hospital
615 N Michigan St South Bend,, Indiana 46601 574-647-1000 Get Directions
South Bend Clinic SurgiCenter
211 N Eddy St. South Bend, IN 46617 574-237-9366 Get Directions
Unity Physicians Hospital
4455 Edison Lakes Parkway #100 Mishawaka, Indiana 46545 574-231-6800 Get Directions
University of Phoenix Graduation Date: 2011 Degree: BSN
Chamberlain University Graduation Date: 2018 Degree: Master's in Science - FNP