Saira M. Rahman, MD


Practices In: Granger
Patients Seen: Ages Newborn–14

I rec­og­nize that health is a basic human right for every per­son, and car­ing for the med­ical­ly under­served was a dri­ving force in my deci­sion to pur­sue med­i­cine. My grand­fa­ther, a physi­cian who devot­ed his life to the ser­vice of oth­ers, inspires me each day. My approach to med­ical care is child-cen­tered, fam­i­ly-focused, and col­lab­o­ra­tive. I treat my patients as my own fam­i­ly and find great joy in cul­ti­vat­ing rela­tion­ships and watch­ing my patients grow. My focus is not only on treat­ing ill­ness, but also psy­cho­log­i­cal well-being, pre­ven­tive care, nutri­tion, safe­ty, and growth and devel­op­ment. I strive to stay cur­rent with the lat­est pedi­atric devel­op­ments and approach­es to chil­dren’s health and prac­tice evi­dence-based med­i­cine. This also includes fol­low­ing the AAP guide­lines on immu­niza­tions, as time­ly vac­ci­na­tions are vital to chil­dren’s health world­wide. Med­i­cine is as much an art as a sci­ence, and each child is won­der­ful­ly unique.

Board Certifications
English, Urdu, Hindi
Clinical Interests

Pre­ven­tive care/​disease pre­ven­tion, infant care, breast­feed­ing, nutri­tion, child devel­op­ment, ado­les­cent care, and men­tal health.

Personal Interests

Art has been an impor­tant part of my life and I try to find time to cre­ate. My hus­band and I have three sons who are grow­ing up much too quick­ly and I am rel­ish­ing my time with them. I love spend­ing time out­doors and enjoy hik­ing and work­ing on my garden.

Memorial Hospital
615 N Michigan St South Bend,, Indiana 46601 574-647-1000 Get Directions
Saint Joseph Regional Medical Center
5215 Holy Cross Parkway Mishawaka, Indiana 46545 574-335-5000 Get Directions
University of Illinois Chicago College of Medicine Graduation Date: 2003 Degree: MD
Ronald McDonald Children’s Hospital, Loyola University Medical Center Resident in Pediatrics